Thursday, 13 March 2025
on-boarding interviews

What are on-boarding interviews?

On-boarding Interviews are conducted with new staff who have successfully completed their probation period. These usually occur 3-6 months after a new hire joins your organisation. They replace the cursory “how are you going” conversation that many managers have with new employees in doorways and coffee rooms with powerful feedback on how to keep and engage that person.

Most employees begin their relationship with a new employer with enthusiasm and excitement. These interviews help understand whether your selection and on-boarding processes added to or cooled that enthusiasm. This helps your recruitment team hone their processes. It also helps HR and line managers fine tune the entry path for new employees to nurture that initial enthusiasm and craft it into engagement and productivity.

On-boarding interviews differ to exit interviews in that an immediate opportunity exists to address the needs of an individual currently employed. Because of this it’s important that individual results are disclosed to at least someone within the organisation. Without this, much of the value of on-boarding interviews is lost.

For more information click on the button below to download our free fact pack summarising state of the art research and practice in on-boarding interviews.

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